Friday, February 6, 2009

How Does Affiliate Marketing Work

There are many options available to you when it comes to marketing via your writing. To achieve consistent sales as an affiliate marketer it's wise to employ several of them. From article marketing to web content writing, you can promote your business effectively with words. Another avenue to consider is writing an e-book.

If you want to be a successful affilite marketer, so you have to learn how to write your own e-book. Writing your own e-book has two primary advantages. First, you can sell your e-book online. Second, within your e-book you can include links to your other websites. Therefore, you can earn actual dollars from your e-book sale, while building traffic for your business.
Another great thing about writing an e-book is the potential to gain continuing income streams. While you are off performing other marketing initiatives, your e-book could be earning you money for years. Your have completed the hard work. The book is available online at various web portals. You are onto your next project. Meanwhile this book is earning you income and links when you are not even thinking about it.

That's the difference between marketing information and marketing an information product. With your article writing and your article distribution efforts, you are pre-selling. You are establishing yourself as a credible, knowledgeable affiliate marketer. You are marketing information while getting your links distributed.

Marketing an information product, such as your e-book is a different animal. You are marketing "the product" even as the product does the same for your business as article marketing does. Your e-book establishes you as an authority on your chosen topic. Your e-book gets your links to others. Your e-book earns you income as it does this.

Of course, you can write an e-book and give it away too. This would be a gift or bonus item for someone opting into your newsletter. It may be a reward for ordering an affiliate product from you. It may be an incentive to encourage potential customers to engage in further dealings with you. You can build a lot of goodwill by giving away a top-notch e-book you authored.

Let's look at a few ways to write and present a quality e-book to your niche. Instituting these ideas can help you create an e-book useful to your customers and your pocketbook:

Understand Whom You Are Writing For
Target your e-book to a particular niche. Do not try to make your e-book appeal to everyone across all categories and topics. The e-book will lack focus and be too general. In other words, it won't be special. There's nothing wrong with targeting a large niche. However, make sure it's a specific niche. You want to write for a niche who values specialized information. An e-book on how to open your own flower shop focuses on a specific retail audience. You are not trying to inform all retailers everywhere.

Quality Sells-Fluff Yells
Customers know when they have a good thing. An e-book loaded with useful information in a vibrant voice is a good thing. You engage, interest, inspire and inform when your present an e-book of this caliber. Quality sells because customers perceive they are getting value for their money.
Fluff yells. By this, we mean that fluff is reputation killing. The word will get out that your e-book is worthless. This yelling will be from those who tell others that they bought something useless. They gained no new information or insight for dollars spent. In frustration, they will yell into cyberspace, they've been duped. Guess whose book title will be flashing on blog posts and forums.

Write on Topics People Crave
Choose your niche, yes, but be cognizant of what broad category they inhabit. The major ones of interest to people are Health and Wellness, Business, Lifestyles, Hobbies, Sports, Entertainment, Success-Building, Philosophy, Wealth-building. These cover much ground and have their sub-niches as well. Choose an area that interests you and go to it.

Write Without Being Pompous
An e-book is not the Great American or any other country's novel. E-books tend to be shorter works. They are typically in an informal, conversational style. Yes, they're packed with vital advice and info, but they are easy reading normally. You want your audience to enjoy themselves while learning. Write in a breezy friend-to-friend style that makes your reader relaxed. This is conducive to them absorbing what you are trying to relate to them. This also builds goodwill and encourages linking back to your websites.

Present a Classy Overall Package
Plain and simple here; have an attractive cover to start. Then a table of contents, a page of additional resource links at the back and an index if needed. In between, shorter sentences, shorter paragraphs. Avoid long text blocks, use bullet points, have white space. In addition, crisp photos, colorful graphics as is appropriate, with clear captions. There's an attractive complete and classy package for your readers.

Consider the above tips concerning developing your own e-book. Choose your topic, research it fully, add in your own expertise, and get writing. Maybe your e-book will turnout to be the next great thing in cyber-publishing. You never know.

1 comment:

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